Nature Based Solution Is an action to protect sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems that address societal challenges electively and adoptively, simultaneously providing human well - being and biodiversity benefits.
Nature Based Solution refers to the sustainable management and use of nature for tackling environment and societal challenges. The challenges include issues such as climate change, water security, water pollution, food security, human health and disaster risk management. Such that climatic change in which is the global phenomena that possess risk to sectors across society and the economy. Natural based approaches can offer sustainable solutions to cope with climate change, mitigation and adoption challenges.
In nature based climate change mitigation, ecosystem, services are used to reduce greenhouse gases, emissions and to conserve and expand carbon sinks and adaptation challenges.
In nature based climate adoption, the goal is to preserve ecosystem services that are necessary for human life in the face of climate change and reduce the impact of anticipated negative effects of climate change (e.g. more intense rainfall, more frequent floods as well as heat waves and drought).
Disaster risk reduction refers to the development and application of policies, strategies and practices that recognizes and minimizes vulnerabilities or underlying caused factor of disaster.
The following down are solutions in doing nature based solutions to disasters:
Protection of coastal vegetation; this will help to reduce the speed of wind and sea waves. This protection will favor the breeding of marine animals hence it will prevent the extinction of various marine species and provide employment opportunities to the fishermen and protect the occurrence of various disaster like hunger at the certain area. But also protection of coastal vegetation will help in controlling climate condition through regulating temperature through rain formation due to evapotranspiration. Areas which initiated coastal vegetation protection programs like Bagamoyo, Pwani in Tanzania and Trondelag Norway.

Widening of main and construction of river streams, there should be improvement of river infrastructures through creating some small streams of the river which will help to take out some water from the main stream so as to reduce occurrence of floods. Widened river will allow large amount of water to flow in a short period of time towards the large water bodies. Also constructed streams can be directed toward the areas which have drought and unproductive areas so as to influence agriculture so that we can avoid hunger. The good example is river Nile which influenced agriculture in Egypt at the areas which were facing drought and reduced hunger and famine.
Protection of coral reef. The coral reef structure buffers shorelines against waves, storms and floods helping to prevent loss of life, property damaged or destroyed, the absence of this natural barrier can increase the damage to coastal communities from normal wave action and violent storms. By breaking up waves, coral reefs protect an estimated 200 million people from natural disasters and rising sea levels. The findings could help focus coral conservation efforts to high-risk areas. Reefs restoration can also provide additional benefits, while reducing risk, coral reefs also support biodiversity, improve water quality and support fisheries and tourism.
Construction of terraces. these were constructed along areas with steep slopes so as to control the moving water to reduce floods. They can be constructed naturally by the community for example in Kilosa they were known as 'makingamaji' constructed by using elephant grasses and sugar cane which were planted on the farmlands along hills. These help to reduce the rate of flood in the community and protect destruction of both human settlement and properties
Construction of check dams; during rainy season water flow from highland areas to the lowland areas which in turn led to the occurrence of flood. construction of check dams can help to reduce the rate of flood by accumulating great amount of water within them. This lead to the risk reduction for the disaster to occur. Hence create safe condition to those individuals around prone areas to disaster.
Reforestation. Reforestation also is among the nature based solution to disaster risk reduction where by human being decide to plant trees to areas prone to floods and landslide. It should be remembered that planting of trees at the areas of steep slope help the land to become stronger because of the roots therefore through reforestation we will be able to solve landslide at prone areas. Also through reforestation we will be able to solve droughts since presence of trees at the area facilitate rainfall.
Planting of bamboo trees. Bamboo trees plantation are very important to disaster risk reduction. Bamboo plantation prevent soil erosion and in such encourage sustainability and productive capacity to agriculture. Also bamboo plantation preventing landslides. Bamboo is generally planted in the specific places vulnerable to erosion. By preventing the occurrence of landslides it saves the lives of people and properties around the area.
 Shortage of fund: nature based solutions are costly since it needs labor power and high technology, most of the technological equipment’s which can be used in widening of rivers are very expensive, therefore it becomes very difficult to some countries especially developing countries like African countries which depends on loans and grants to conduct many of their projects.
The willingness and political commitment of various agencies including the government and donors. There has deep analysis on what the government budget is spent on disaster risk reduction activities and look how many donors supporting disaster risk reduction program and what of the total costs goes to disaster risk reduction interventions. Also the poorest nations which are most vulnerable to any kind of a disaster the ability of that nations to overcome that situation by using this way is difficult that's because were not able to afford due to resources to fulfill the commitment.
Ignorance: Nature based solution to disaster risk reduction it need high experience to conduct and using this method. So many people had not enough knowledge to use this approach. Example if there is a forest conservation will help to stabilize slope and therefore reduce the risk of landslide so many people use that forest for different activities like cutting down trees for charcoal.

Remoteness of some areas. Other area is located away from the city center where there are good infrastructure and they are located to the disaster prone areas like floods and earthquake, due to their remoteness and poor infrastructures the disaster managers fail to reach those areas to conduct fa
Population increases: The increase number of people in some areas also is the source of increasing the socio-economic activities like agriculture and construction activities so during those activities it can be create a threat to disaster risk example during the preparation of agricultural activities people destroy forest and ecosystems which enables to protect flood and stabilize of climate.

  It can be concluded that the implementation of different environmental policies and laws for example “kata mti panda mti” to make sure that the environment is preserved. Through provision of education about environmental conservation to the community as well as enacting of strict laws such as introduction of penalties to those who captured destroying environment will help to maintain the sustainability of environments.

Monty, F.,Murti, R, Miththapala, S and Buyck, C. (ed). (2017). Ecosystems protecting     infrastructure and communities: Lessons learned and guidelines for implementation. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN
Monty, F., Murti, R and Furuta, N. (2016). Helping nature help us: Transforming disaster risk reduction through ecosystem management. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
Murti, R and Buyck, C (ed) (2014). Safe Havens: Protected Areas for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
Sudmeier-Rieux, K.,Ash, N. and Murti, R. (2013). Environmental Guidance Note For Disaster Risk Reduction: Healthy Ecosystems for Human Security and Climate Change Adaptation. 2013 edition. Gland, Switzerland:

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