Clean development mechanism (CDM).

Clean development mechanism (CDM).  Is the cooperative mechanism established under the Kyoto protocol, has the potential to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development by promoting environmentally friendly investment from industrialized country government and business .in order to participate in the clean development mechanism, there are certain eligibility criteria that countries must meet. All part must meets three basic requirements such as, voluntary participation in the clean development mechanism, establish of the national clean development mechanism authority and ratification of the Kyoto protocol.

Kyoto protocol, The Kyoto protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. 184 parties of the convection have ratified its protocol to date. It is an international agreement linked to the United Nations framework convention on climate. the Kyoto protocol is an historical agreement in that it was the first international agreement in which many of the world industrial national concluded a verifiable to reduce their emission of six green house gases in order to present global warming, this gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbon, per fluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride      The major feature of the Kyoto protocol is that it sets binding target of 37 industrialized countries and European community for reducing emission. This amount to an average of percent against 1990 levels over the five year period 2008-2012.
Clean development mechanism my entail the following issue,
Eligible projects, project activities such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste menegement, methane capture and utilization, and low carbon transport activities mey be eligible umder Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Examples of eligible projects are renewable energy projects such as biomass, biogas, solar, wind, hydro, and georthemal, agriculture and forestry, waste energy recovery and methane recovery from waste water and solid waste treatment, low carbon transport,rapid transit systems, engine retrofits and the use of plan oil and fuel switch. For a project to be eligible, it needs to mitigate one of the six Greenhouse gGases (GHGs). These Greenhouse Gases are Carbon dioxide gas (Co2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O),Hydroflurocarbons (HFCs), Perflurocarbons (PFCs) and Sulpher hexafluoride (SF).

Key eligibility requirements
·         Methodology, the only methodology approved by clean development mechanism executive board (EB) have to be followed to show its eligibility quantitative  calculation of green house gases, and news methodology can be approved by clean development mechanism board( Asian development bank September 2011).
·         Prior consideration of clean development mechanism, a project developer is required to demonstrate that benefits were considered in investment decision of the project. The project developer has to inform the host party Designated National Authority (DNA) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in writing the intent of seeking CDM status for the project. The prior consideration notification has to be submitted within 6 months from the project start date.( Asian development bank September 2011)
·         Use of public funding;Non diversion of Official Development Assistance (ODA)has to be confirmed for projects that have received public funding from developed countries. With information of of the sources of funding, Techinical Support Facility (TSF) can assist the project developer in identifying whether or not the project meets the requirements.
·         Contribution of sustainable development; A project to be eligible must also contribute to the sustainable development of the host country. It is imperative to identify whether or not the project leads to positive impacts on environmental, socio economic, and technological developmemt of the country where the project is being implemented. This must be approval bz the host country (DNAs) subject to their own priority as provided. The DNA approval can be sought during the validation stage of the Clean Development Mechanism project cycle and simultaneously during ADBs board appraval or loan signing stages.
·         Demostrating additionality; A principal issue for project eligibility is to investigate whether the project leads to Greenhouse gases reduction in addition to the businessess as usual scenario. This is termed additionality. The Clean Development Mechanism Excutive Board (CDM EB) prrovide guidance on how additionality can be demostrated. However, during initial screening, the project developer can simply assess anz specific barriers that may prohibit project implementation in the absence of the CDM. Some barriers can be financial, technological, or due to prevailing practises in the region. Once the initial project screening has been conducted, the project developer may seek assistance from Techinical Support Facility (TSF) for detailed additionality
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)project cycle; by defination refers to the different stages on project activity shall undergo before it may be issued with Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), (UNFCCC,2013). 
Clean development mechanism have the following stages,
·         Project Design Document (PDD) development;After this preliminary screening the project developer has to follow the the unique project cycle. One of the initial stage in the CDM project is to produce the project design document (PDD) that comtain basic project description. ThePDD also describes how emissions reduction are calculated and monitored, baseline is identified, and additionary to demostrate its qualification as CDM.
·         Validation and registration; to obtain Clean Development Mechanism Excutive Board (CDM EB) Registration, project must be validated by a United Nations approved auditor. Once satisfied that the project meets all the requirements of the CDM, the Designated Operational Entity (DOE) submits the PPD to the CDM EB for regisration. Validation and registration can simultaneously occur durring the board approval.
·         Monitoring and generation of Certified Emission Reductioms (CERs); After registration with the CDM EB and during project implimentation, the monitoring plan mentioned in the PDD will be put into action and the emission reductions verified bz the Designated Operational Entity (DOE). Finally, Certisfied Emission Reductions (CERs) issued which the project developer can transfer to the buyer(s) in exchange for payment under pre agreed terms. Project developer may approach Techinical Support Facility (TSF) for further assistance after the initial screening. TSF will conduct a detailed eligibility assessment of the projects as per the modalities and procedures of the CDM EB.
Establishment of police and programs concerning to the environment, this is one of the important issue that must be consider in clean development because in order for any country to participate in clean development must have various policies which can guide and role on the implementation of clean development mechanism, example for establish some environmental laws.( UNEP)
The following below are the clean development mechanism project that are establish in Tanzania,
Mtoni dumpsite clean development mechanism project, Mtoni dumpsite project in Dar-salaam, Tanzania was registered in June 2007 as the first project in Tanzania. According to the project design document, the mtoni project is supposed to reduce 200.000 tons of carbon dioxide emission, annually through the combustion of methane contained biogas extracted from the dumpsite, since June 2007 the project has been issued 3s5.122 carbon credits. The dumpsite was moved over 40 km away from the location in order to serve as the clean development project.
Landfill gas recovery and electricity generation project at mtoni dumpsite,  the  mtoni clean development mechanism are biogas project that are implement at mtoni treat for the purpose of produce electricity through bio gas that can be used are the alternative source of energy that can serve and reduce the environmental destruction and increase the power production at Dar-es-salaam municipal council. But the project failed to reach their objective of increase the power production at the Dar-es-salaam city. (  finningan wa Simbeye, Tanzania daily news)
Reforestation in grassland areas of Uchindile, Kilombero, Tanzania and Mapanda, Mufindi Tanzania project.
This project include two separate areas namely Uchindile Forest Project (UFP) and Mapanda Forest Project (MFP) located in southern part of Tanzania in the district of Kilombero in Morogoro and Mufindi, Iringa region, this project was itroduce in 2009. Objectives of the project are to sequester carbon dioxide gas through forest planting in grassland areas, generating high quality emission reduction in Greenhouse gases that can be measured, monitored and verified. Also to promote environmental concervations such as soil conservation, protection of water resources, and enrichment of biodiversity through the protection of existing flora and fauna. To esbablish and manage forest plantation to contribute to demand of high quality wood products from a sustainable managed forest. To facilitate socio economic development to the local communities through employment opportunities as well as infrastructure developments of roads and buildings. Trees species planted in these ares are like pinus patula, Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus camadulensis.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Carbon Sink Tree Plantations project, 
This study dissects a tree plantation carborn sink project at Idete in the southern highlands of Tanzania in february. The Norwegian companythat own the project Green resources limited aim to register the project under the CDM so as to be able to generate carbon credits to sell to Norwegian government. The study describes and discuss the impacts of the oroject on local community and the natural environments. The study area is in Mufindi district of Iringa province in the southern highlands. The main focus of this reseach is an areas to the north of the village of Idete where more than 6,000 hectares of biordiverse grassland is in the process of being conveted to industrial plantations of pines and Eucalypras trees. The study also looks at the impact of existing tree plantation including Sao hill and Uchindile.

Climate, Community and Biodiversity stands Project Design Document form for Afforestation and Reforestation Project activities (CCB AR PDD).
This project is about reforestation in grasland areas of Idete, Mufindi district, Iringa region Tanzania. Green Resources Limited is the leading plantation, carbon offset and renewable energy company in East Africa. The Idete Forest Project (IFP) is developed by Green Resources Limited. This project also applying for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) validation and verification under Afforestation reforestation (AR) category. The location of the specic areas is southern part of Tanzania.

A forestry Clean Development Mechanisn (CDM) and Voluntary Carborn Standard (VCS)project.
Green resources is developing the project in Mapanda and Uchindile, as well as a CDM project in Idete Tanzania. The VCS project is the first reforestation in the world to be validated and registered accordin to VCS standard. This study describes the project and some of their advantages, opportunities and pitfalls around reforestation projects. Green resources has planted more than 7500 hectares of new forests in Tanyanian’s southern highlands, sequesting of 500,000 tons of CO2 to date. Due to this project of mapanda, Idete, Uchindile we forecast that this is significant contribution to fight against climate change.
There fore, clean development  mechanism have strength in the environmental consersvation  but there are various challenge that can face it such as, lack of capital, poor organization of project, lack of participation of community that lead to the failed of adapation of clean development mechanism.

Hasting college of the law.(2009): west- northwest Hastings intrnational and comparative law         review combined issue. Uc hasting college of the law.
Seeberg-Elverfeldt, C.(2010): Carbon finance possibilities for agriculture, forestry and others land use project in a smallholders contex.FAO university of minnesota.
United republic of Tanzania- URT(2010) national strategy for reduced emission from difforesttion and forest degradation(REDD+) .Draft vice presiden
Finnigan wa simbeye, (2007) mtoni Dumpsite CDM project putting livehoods of farmers and wastpickers at risk, Tanazania dairy news.
Asian development bank, september (2011) clean development mechanism.


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