Carbon is an approach used to control carbon dioxide pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving emission reduction. It’s sometime called cap and trade or carbon emissions trading.
Carbon trading is administered by central government such as government or international organization which sets limits on amount of carbon that can emitted. Companies or other group are issued permits that require them to hold alliances (credit) in order to emit an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide. The total amount of alliances cannot exceed the limiting total emission to that level.
Companies that need to increase their alliances must buy credits from those who pollute less. The transfer allowance is referred as TRADE. The buyer therefore buys to pollute, while the seller is financially rewarded for reducing CO2 emission.
The critic states that the approach doesn’t help anything with climate change instead it provide a channel for the bigger companies to do even more pollution by emitting more greenhouse gases. In addition to that, critics contend that carbon trading doesn’t solve the overall pollution problem since net reduction would require fewer allowances rather than permitting groups that pollute less to sell their allowances to the companies that want to use more CO2 pollute.
California Environmental Justice Movement issued a declaration against the use of carbon trading to address climate change, they state that, “carbon trading is undemocratic because it allows entrenched polluters , market designers and commodity traders to determine whether and where to reduce greenhouse gases and co-pollutant emission without allowing impacted communities or government to participate in those decisions, they went on saying that carbon trading is like giving or companies the right to pollute environment and paying money instead. It has some sort of privatization of our communal environment.

The process is also known as CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE – Is the process of separating out carbon dioxide when burning fossil fuel, collecting it and subsequently dumping it underground or in the sea.
The process has three sub process that get done on the way
·        Carbon Capture
·        Transporting
·        Storage ( that include measuring, monitoring and verification)

This refers to any carbon containing molecule (carbohydrate, amino acid, fatty acid, CO2) used by an organism for the synthesis of its organic molecules. It also includes emission from burning fossil fuel, forest fire and respiration.

According to Wikipedia it says, A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulate and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an infinite period. The process by which carbon sinks remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is known as carbon sequestration. One of the biggest of the atmosphere, oceans, plants and soil.
Much of earth’s carbon is flux- moving from source to sinks and then transforming back into sources again. This cycle is called the global carbon cycle within which carbon sinks play a primary role.

In other name is also known as Radioactive forcing this is difference between insolation (sunlight) absorbed by the earth’s and energy radiated back to space. This influence is what causes Climate Changes to the earth’s climate system . The process forces climate to alternate by rising and falling.
There are two types of Climate Forcing
·        Positive Climate Forcing this is the increase of temperature caused by the incoming radiation to be higher than the amount of outgoing radiation hence the earth warms.
·        Negative Climate forcing is the decrease of temperature that is making the earth to cool this is due to the fact that the incoming radiation is way too little than the outgoing radiation.

Solomon Island – no human was living there
Nuatambu Island a home of 25 families which lost 11 houses

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