1. A Program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to infect other computers is called a ________________  
  • a. disease
  • b. torpedo
  • c. hurricane
  • d. virus
Question was not answered
2. What is an e-mail attachment?    
  • a. a receipt sent by the recipient
  • b. a separate document from another program sent along with an e-mail message
  • c. a malicious parasite that feeds off of your message and destroyed the content
  • d. a list of CC: or BCC: recipients
3. a program written in a high level language is referred to as _________________    
  • a. source code
  • b. object code
  • c. machine code
  • d. assembly code
4. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?    
  • a. internet
  • b. floppy disk
  • c. power cord
  • d. data
5. When sending an e-mail the ________________ describes the contents of the message    
  • a. To
  • b. subject
  • c. contents
  • d. CC
6. A(n)______ is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices    
  • a. network
  • b. peripherals
  • c. expansion board
  • d. digital devices

7.the ____________ key will launch the start button    
  • a. esc
  • b. shift
  • c. window
  • d. shortcut
8. Hard disk drives are considered_____________ storage    
  • a. flash
  • b. non-volatile
  • c. temporary
  • d. non-permanent
9.A(n)______________ uses laser technology to store large amounts of information    
  • a. floppy disk
  • b. CD-ROM
  • c. Hard disk
  • d. ED ROM

10. Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as______________    
  • a. volatile storage
  • b. non-volatile storage
  • c. sequential storage
  • d. direct storage
1. if processor has a word size of 32bits, compared to a processor with a word size of 16 bits, it can process __________________ at a time  
  • a. thrice as much
  • b. half as much
  • c. a forth as much
  • d. twice as much
2. the most common storage device for the personal computer is the ________________    
  • a. floppy disk
  • b. USB thumb device
  • c. zip disk
  • d. hard disk drive
3. Which device uses a handled  operating g system?    
  • a. A PDA
  • b. A personal computer
  • c. a laptop
  • d. a main frame
4. Numbers and formulae entered in a cell are called________________    
  • a. labels
  • b. numeric entries
  • c. intersection
  • d. text

5. What is software?    
  • a. a type of computer code
  • b. a computer language
  • c. a set of instructions for your computer
  • d. a cover for the computer
6. Thick, rigid metal platters that are capable of storing and retrieving information at a high rate of speed are known as ________________    
  • a. hard disks
  • b. soft disks
  • c. flash memory
  • d. SAN
7. what is windows explorer?  
  • a. a drive
  • b. a pc
  • c. a web browser
  • d. a file manager

8. ______________ is the most popular internet activity    
  • a. art
  • b. shopping
  • c. searching
  • d. entertainment
9. Computers process binary numbers, which are composed of __________________  
  • a. 1s and 2s
  • b. 2s and 4s
  • c. 1s and 10s
  • d. 0s and 1s

10. a DVD is an example of a ________________    
  • a. hard disk
  • b. optical disk
  • c. output device
  • d. solid-state storage device
1._____________ Controls access to the resources on a network
  • a) Server
  • b) Client
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None of the above
2. The wider the bus, the______________the transfer of data
  • a) Greater the number of transfer steps required and the slower
  • b) Greater the number of transfer steps required and the faster
  • c) Fewer the number of transfer steps required and the slower
  • d) Fewer the number of transfer steps required and the faster

3. A micro second is _______________ of a second
  • a) One-trillionth
  • b) One-millionth
  • c) One-billionth
  • d) None of the above
4. The ________________ format works best for images that have only a few distinct colors
  • a) GIF
  • b) MPEG
  • c) JPEG
  • d) Both (b) and (c)
5. Some large businesses use _____________ to open communications among employees, customers, and/or vendors
  • a) Blog
  • b) Mails
  • c) LAN Network
  • d) None of the above
6. When the computers power is turned off _______________ memory does not lose its contents
  • a) Volatile
  • b) Non-volatile
  • c) Cache memory
  • d) Flash memory
7. ______________Is needed to access accounts, to pay the bills, to transfer money from one account to another account
  • a) On-line Banking facility
  • b) Good relations with customers
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None of the above
xxx8. Which of the following is used as storage locations both the ALU and in the control sections of a computer?
  • a) Accumulator
  • b) Register
  • c) Adder
  • d) Decoder
9. Accumulator is a ?
  • a) Hardwired unit
  • b) Sequential circuit
  • c) Finite state machine
  • d) Register
10. Which memory is non-volatile and may be written only once?
  • a) RAM
  • b) EPROM
  • c) EEPROM
  • d) PROM

1; What is text formatting?
  • a) Formatting characters and words with in a document
  • b) Saving the word document
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None of the above
2; By default MS-Word 2010 uses a font called
  • a) Arial
  • b) Times New roman
  • c) Tahoma
  • d) Caliber
3; Superscript refers to____
  • a) Characters displayed below the line of the normal text
  • b) Characters displayed above the line of the normal text
  • c) Both (a) and
  • (b) d) None
4; (a+b)2 is an example for ----
  • a) Subscript
  • b) Superscript
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None
5; CO2 is an example for ---
  • a) Subscript
  • b) Superscript
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None
6; You need to find a particular word or phrase and replace this item with alternative text, what is the keyboard shortcut key
  • a) Ctrl+G
  • b) Ctrl+P
  • c) Ctrl+H
  • d) Ctrl+F
7; _____Is the path to create Header/Footer
  • a) Insert/Header & Footer
  • b) File/Header & Footer
  • c) Edit/Header & Footer
  • d) None of the above
8; __ Is the path to create footnotes
  • a) References/footnote
  • b) Insert/footnote
  • c) Edit/footnote
  • d) None
9 . _____ Is the path to save a document in PDF format
  • a) Edit/Save as/PDF/Save
  • b) File/Save as/PDF/Save
  • c) Both (a) and (b)
  • d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10; DDL stands for
  • a) Data Definition Language
  • b) Data Delete Language
  • c) Data Device Language
  • d) Database Definition Language
1; FTP means?
  • a) File Transfer Protocol
  • b) File Telnet Protocol
  • c) Fast Track Processing
  • d) Fine Tunning programs
Question was not answered
2;  Which among the following is faster than Main Memory?
  • a) RAM
  • b) ROM
  • c) Cache
  • d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3; Semi Conductor Memory is known as?
  • a) RAM
  • b) ROM
  • c) PROM
  • d) EPROM
Question was not answered
4; In which generation computers IC have been used?
  • a) First
  • b) Second
  • c) Third
  • d) Fourth
Question was not answered
5; High level language is?
  • a) Machine Independent
  • b) Machine dependent
  • c) (a) And (b) are true
  • d) (a) And (b) are false
Question was not answered
6; Hypertext is?
  • a) Text stored in the memory of the computer
  • b) Text displayed on the screen of the computer
  • c) Special text used in developing Internet developing package
  • d) A system of managing textual Information by creating associations between different documents
Question was not answered
7; Information on a computer is sto-red in the form of?
  • a) Files
  • b) Folders
  • c) Directory
  • d) Data dictionary
Question was not answered
8. TCP is?
  • a) Transfer control protocol
  • b) Transfer control process
  • c) Transmission control protocol
  • d) Transmission control process
Question was not answered
9; Every computer on the Internet is known as?
  • a) Host
  • b) Client
  • c) Modem
  • d) Server
Question was not answered
10;Fax machines are used to send documents through a?
  • a) Telephone line
  • b) Modems
  • c) Co-axial Wire
  • d) All of these
1. A  person who used his or expertise to gain access to other peoples computers to get information illegally or do damage is  
  • a. hacker
  • b. analyst
  • c. instant messenger
  • d. programmer
Question was not answered
2. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be__________    
  • a. distributed
  • b. free
  • c. centralized
  • d. none of these
Question was not answered
3.To chance selected text to all capital letters, click the change case button, and then click______    
  • b .UPPER ALL
  • c. CAPS LOCK
  • d. Lock upper
Question was not answered
4. Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym    
  • a. CD
  • b. DVD
  • c. ROM
  • d. RW
Question was not answered
5. the most common type of storage devices are___________    
  • a. persistence
  • b. optical
  • c. magnetic
  • d. flash
Question was not answered
6. Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer –readable are known as_______    
  • a. an ASCII Code
  • b. a magnetic type
  • c. an OCR scanner
  • d. a bar code
Question was not answered
7.A website’s main page is called it’s__________    
  • a. home page
  • b. browser page
  • c. search page
  • d. a bar code
Question was not answered
8.Part number, part description ,and number of parts ordered are examples of_______      
  • a. control
  • b. processing
  • c. bookmark
  • d. output
Question was not answered
9. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique  to use is __________    
  • a. dragging
  • b. dropping
  • c. right-clicking
  • d. shift-clicking
Question was not answered
10. Computers used the__________ number systems to store data and perform calculations    
  • a. binary
  • b. octal
  • c. decimal
  • d. hexadecimal
Computer knowledge questions with answers for bank po exams 2011
1.Joystick,Mouseetc are the examples of____________
a.multimedia devices entry devices
c.pointing devices
d.navigat ion keys
2._____________is the part of the computer that controls the machine cycle?
a. control unit
d.none of the above
3.Find the correct sequence in the machine cycles?
a.Actually process the command
b.translate it into computer commands
c.write the reusult to a main memory
d.get an instruction from main memory
4.ALU stands for___________
a. arithmetic logic unit
b. arithmetic local unit
c. arithmetic  unit
d. accurate logic unit
5. From the given below options, one is nor related to the same group, find the different one
a. DOS
b. window
c. Unix
d. MS-word
6. When the computer is turned off, all the data is main memory disappears. A data storage method of this type is called
a. non-volatic
b. vaoltile
c. cache
d. none of the above
7.Number written with just 0 and 1 are called _________numbers
a. binary
b .digital
c. logical
d. general umbers
8.____________is the amount of the data CPU can transmit at a time to main memory and to input and output devices?
a. bus width
b. data width
c. memory width
d. none of the above
9.the information processing cycle includes the following process
a. input, processing,output,storage
b. input,output,manipulation,arithmetic
c. data,processing,printing,editing
d. storage,display,data,information
10. After completion of typing we will get print, this output is called
b. softcopy
c. multimedia
d. hardcopy
Answers for above computer knowledge questions:
 1. the ________________ manual tells you how to use a software program    
·         a. documentation
·         b. programming
·         c. user
·         d. technical
Question was not answered
2. What are bas, doc and htm examples of?    
·         a. databases
·         b. domains
·         c. extensions
·         d. protocols
Question was not answered
3. The side bar in a window or word processor that has in arrow on both ends and a box in the middle that you use your mouse to move the pages up or down___________________    
·         a. scroll bar
·         b. roll bar
·         c. page bar
·         d. box bar
Question was not answered
4. An _________ is a device that electronically processes data converting it to information    
·         a. algorithm
·         b. computer
·         c. software
·         d. program
Question was not answered
5.the place where the computer stores programs and data is called?    
·         a. Memory
·         b. storehouse
·         c. storage unit
·         d. backup
Question was not answered
6.why is the caps lock key referred to as a toggle key?        
·         a. because its function goes back and forth every time it is pressed
·         b. because it cannot be used for entering numbers
·         c. because it cannot be used to delete
·         d. because it cannot be used to insert
Question was not answered
7.the name that the user gives to a document is referred to as _____________    
·         a. name-given
·         b. document-name
·         c. filename
·         d. document-identity
Question was not answered
8. which of the following is part of the system unit?    
·         a. CPU
·         b. monitor
·         c. CD-ROM
·         d. floppy disk
Question was not answered
9.which of the following is not an input device?    
·         a. keyboard
·         b. mouse
·         c. printer
·         d. scanner
Question was not answered
10. one puts information into the computer by pressing this key______________    
·         a. caps lock
·         b. tab
·         c. enter
·         d. esc
1.JPG is the extension for_____ files  
·         a) Microsoft Outlook
·         b) Image
·         c) Bitmap Graphic
·         d)None of the above
Question was not answered
2.______ Is the extension for Microsoft Excel Workspace  
·         a) XLS
·         b)XLT
·         c)XLW
·         d)XLL
Question was not answered
3.___ Is the extension for Microsoft Excel Spread Sheet  
·         a) XLS
·         b)XLT
·         c)XLW
·         d)XLL
Question was not answered
4.VBS is the extension for________ files  
·         a) Bitmap graphic
·         b) Visual Basic Graphic
·         c) Basic
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
5.PIC is the extension for________ files  
·         a) Bitmap graphic
·         b) Visual Basic Graphic
·         c) Basic
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
6.TXT is the extension for________ files  
·         a) Image
·         b) Adobe Acrobat Portable Document
·         c)ASCII text
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
7. PDF is the extension for__________      files  
·         a) Image
·         b) Adobe Acrobat Portable Document
·         c) ASCII text
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
8._________ is the extension for compressed archive of files  
·         a) ZIP
·         b)OST
·         c)PIF
·         d)PAB
Question was not answered
9.TMP is the extension for_____ files  
·         a) Temporary file
·         b) Visual Basic Graphic
·         c)Basic
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10._________        Is the extension for Program files  
·         a) ZIP
·         b) OST
·         c) EXE
·         d) PAB
1; How to highlight text with keyboard?    
·         a) Use F5 key
·         b) Use arrow key holding down the Ctrl key
·         c) Use arrow key holding down the Shift key
·         d) Use Shift and underscore to highlight the text
Question was not answered
2; The object of the page preview mode is to?    
·         a) See all pages of your document
·         b) See the page you are currently working
·         c) See the title page
·         d)All of the above
Question was not answered
3; Which part of a word/excel file can be display on color?  
·         a) Only graphics
·         b) Only text
·         c) All elements
·         d) None of these
Question was not answered
4; How to create columns in a word document?    
·         a) Use space bar to maintain the gap
·         b) Set tab or use the Table menu
·         c) Not possible
·         d)Tab consequently until your cursor reaches the desired place
Question was not answered
5; In a word document how do we break the page according to our requirement?    
·         a) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Fl key
·         b) By using Insert/Section break
·         c)By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Ctrl +Enter
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
6; How do we center the selected text?
·         a) Ctrl+B
·         b) Alt+C
·         c) No shortcut is available
·         d) Ctrl+E
Question was not answered
7; __ Shortcut key align left your selected text    
·         a) Ctrl+C
·         b) Ctrl+K
·         c) Ctrl+B
·         d) Ctrl+L
Question was not answered
8; Which keyboard shortcut align right your text?    
·         a) Ctrl+R
·         b) Ctrl+E
·         c) Ctrl+F
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
9; To submit a detailed report about the system of operations in the organization which of the following document is suit able?    
·         a) Excel Document
·         b) Power Point
·         c) MS-Word document
·         d) Hand written
Question was not answered
10; _______ Is the key we use to move one cell to another cell in a table  
·         a) Tab
·         b) Ctrl
·         c) Shift
·         d) Ctrl + C
1. Which of the following are the major components in a computer
·         a) CPU, CD-ROM, Mouse, Keyboard
·         b) Memory, Video card, Monitor
·         c) Modem, Printer, Screen
·         d) CPU, Memory, System bus, Input H/w, Output H/w
Question was not answered
2. How the information is transformed from one component to another component in a system?
·         a) System bus
·         b) Memory
·         c) Keyboard
·         d) Monitor
Question was not answered
3. MS-Access, MS-Foxpro is the examples of what type of software?
·         a) Spread Sheet
·         b) Presentation Software
·         c) Database Management
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4. Windows operating system have
·         a) Graphical User Interface
·         b) Command based Interface
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
5. ___ Allows more data to be stored on a disk?
·         a) Data Compression
·         b) Disk Defragmentation
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
6. A text-based language with codes or tags used for developing web pages is called?
·         a) Java
·         b) HTML
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
7. CASE stands for?
·         a) Computer Aided Software Engineering
·         b) Common Aided Software Engineering
·         c) Computer Access Software Engineering
·         d) Computer Aided Software Engine
Question was not answered
8. The primary job of the information system is?
·         a) Data collection
·         b)Data transfer
·         c) Transform inputs to information
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
9. ___ Is the software that allows the computer to interact with users and hardware?
·         a) System Software
·         b) Application software
·         c) Development software
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10. This type of boot occurs when the computer is already on, and you restart it without turning off the power?
·         a) Generic boot
·         b) Live boot
·         c) Warm boot
·         d) Cold boot
1. the amount of the time requires by a storage device to retrieve data and program is its____________________  
·         a. retrieval speed
·         b. capacity
·         c. memory
·         d. access speed
Question was not answered
2.a 32-bit word computer can access________________ bytes at a time    
·         a. 4
·         b. 8
·         c.16
·         d. 32
Question was not answered
3. The megabyte is actually equal to ________________kilo bytes    
·         a. 100
·         b. 1000
·         c. 1024
·         d. 1024*1024
Question was not answered
4. The main memory of a computer must be large enough to contain the active parts of______________    
·         a. the operating system
·         b. the applications
·         c. input/output storage & working storage
·         d. all of these
Question was not answered
5. The type of memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU    
·         a. RAM
·         b. ROM
·         c. cache memory
·         d. flash memory
Question was not answered
6. the smallest unit in a digital system is_______________  
·         a. byte
·         b. kilobyte
·         c. word
·         d. bit
Question was not answered
7. The computer’s processor consist of the following parts__________    
·         a. CPU and main memory
·         b. hard disk and floppy drive
·         c. main memory and storage
·         d. operating system and applications
Question was not answered
8. ______________ports connected special types of music instruments to sound cards    
·         a. BUS
·         b. CPU
·         c. USB
·         d. MIDI
Question was not answered
9. Software you can use create a budget is called_______________    
·         a. word processing software
·         b. graphics software
·         c. utility software
·         d. spreadsheet software
Question was not answered
10. the mouse________________ usually appears in the shape of an arrow    
·         a. indicator
·         b. marker
·         c. meter
·         d. pointer
1; ____ No. Of files can open at one time    
·         a) Three
·         b) One
·         c) As many as depends on memory
·         d) Maximum 5
Question was not answered
2; How many margins for a word document?    
·         a) Two (Header and Footer)
·         b) Four (Top, Bottom, Right & Left)
·         c) Two (Landscape & Portrait)
·         d) Two (Top & Bottom)
Question was not answered
3; How to save a document as a web page?    
·         a) Save the document in TXT format
·         b) By using save as command
·         c) Save as HTML
·         d) None
Question was not answered
4; What are the functions of a spreadsheet      
·         a) The worksheet finds the answer faster
·         b) The worksheet is more accurate
·         c) The worksheet recalculate the result whenever you change a number in the cell
·         d) All the above
Question was not answered
5; The cell where the 3rd Column and 2nd Row cross has the cell address?  
·         a)C2
·         b)2C
·         c)3B
·         d)B3
Question was not answered
6; ____  Is the sign we use to activate the formula?

·         a)=
·         b)H
·         c) ++
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
7; What is the output of the formula =(Al+A2)/2?    
·         a) Will not work
·         b) Finds the total of Al, A2
·         c) Find the average of cells Al, A2
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
8; Cell Al, A2 contains values 10 and 5 respectively, what is the output atA3 cell, if the formula is =A1*A2?  
·         a) 15
·         b)51
·         c)50
·         d) 5
Question was not answered
9;What does SSL stand for?    
·         a) Systematic Security Layer
·         b) Systematic Socket Layer
·         c) Systematic Socket Laser
·         d) Systematic Socket Locker
Question was not answered
10; ______ Is a technique designed to decrypt the private messages    
·         a) Hacking
·         b) Unauthorized access
·         c) Phishing
·         d) None of the above
1; Banks and other big organizations requiring large data storage use?
·         a) Laptop PC's
·         b) Desktop PC's
·         c) Mainframe Computer
·         d) Workstation
Question was not answered
2; High Level Language useful for the beginners is?
·         a) BASIC
·         b) PASCAL
·         c) FORTRON
·         d) COBOL
Question was not answered
3; For Scientific work the most popular language is?
·         a) PASCAL
·         b) FORTRON
·         c) COBOL
·         d) PROLOG
Question was not answered
4; Which is not the portable computer?
·         a) Micro-processor
·         b) Calculator
·         c) Series Computes
·         d) Parallel Computers
Question was not answered
5; OBJECT ORIENTED language is?
·         a) ADA
·         b) PROLOG
·         c) PASCAL
·         d) FORTRAN
Question was not answered
6; Information is?
·         a) Summarization process of data
·         b) Data Information
·         c) Textual form of data
·         d) Facts and figures
7; Question was not answered
. Total memory of system can be known using?
·         a) DIR commands
·         b) MEM commands
·         c) Warm boot
·         d) TOT MEM commands
Question was not answered
8; For running WINDOW minimum disk free space required is?
·         a) 8 MB
·         b) 10 MB
·         c) 16 MB
·         d) 32 MB
Question was not answered
9; The first graphical web browser are?
·         a) Gopher
·         b) WAIS
·         c) CERN
·         d) Mosaic
Question was not answered
10; The programs used to view web pages are called?
·         a) Clients
·         b) Server
·         c) Browser
·         d) Programme
1; Micro computers are?
·         a) 8 bit
·         b) 16 bit
·         c) 32 bit
·         d) Either 8 or 16 bit
Question was not answered
2; What is Active Desktop?
·         a) A term that is synonymous with viewing your desktop as a web page
·         b) A feature to customize your desktop to display information you can update from the Internet.
·         c) Both (a) and (b) above mentioned.
·         d) Software
Question was not answered
3; A bitmap is?
·         a) Is a format which windows use for desktop wallpaper?
·         b) A graphic file format made up of small dots.
·         c) A specific kind of bitmap file with the BMP extension.
·         d) All of the above.
Question was not answered
.4; which of the following printers generates character from a grid?
·         a) Inkjet
·         b) Laser
·         c) Daisy wheel
·         d) Dot matrix
Question was not answered
5; Close Button?
·         a) When clicked will close the dialog box, document or program displayed in the window.
·         b) Is located at the right top end of the title bar of most Windows.
·         c) Implies for the small button with an X on it
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
6; A dialog box is a one?
·         a) Which is a sort of on-screen from where you can fill in the blanks, make selections from lists and chose various combinations of options and settings. .
·         b) In which you can connect to another Internet user and establish an audio and video contact using Microsoft Word
·         c) In which you can give verbal commands to Microsoft Word menu
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
7; A letter, memo, proposal or other file that is created using Microso-ft Word is called as?
·         a) Master
·         b) Slide
·         c) Document
·         d) Worksheet
Question was not answered
8; The meaning of double-click is?
·         a) Pushing and releasing the main mouse button twice in rapid succession when the on-tree mouse pointer is positioned over the desired item
·         b) Appearance of an icon
·         c) To take a selection from the document and move it to the clipboard
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
9; A folder: (A) is an organizational tool used to store files. (B) is synonymous with directory, but folder is the newer preferred term (C)contains data?
·         a) A only
·         b) B only
·         c) C only
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10; Commercially produced first computer?
·         a) IBM
·         b) MIPS
·         c) UNIVAC
·         d) EDSAC
1; The earliest calculating devices are?
·         a) Clock
·         b) Difference Engine
·         c) Abacus
·         d) Calculator
Question was not answered
2; The basic operations performed by a computer are?
·         a) Arithmetic Operations
·         b) Logical Operations
·         c) Storage and relative
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
3; The man who built the first Mechanical Calculator was?
·         a) Joseph Marie Jacquard
·         b) John Mauchly
·         c) Blaise Pascal
·         d) HarwardAilken
Question was not answered
4; Punched cards were first introduced by?
·         a) Powers
·         b) Pascal
·         c) Jacquard
·         d) Herman Hollerith
Question was not answered
5; LSTs(Large Integration) used in?
·         a) First generation
·         b) Second generation
·         c) Third generation
·         d) Fourth generation
Question was not answered
6. What is MS Word?
·         a) A game
·         b) An Operating System
·         c) Word Processing Software
·         d) Typing tutor software
Question was not answered
7; MS Excel is a?
·         a) Window based word processor package
·         b) Window based spreadsheet package
·         c) DOS based spreadsheet package
·         d) Window based accounting package
Question was not answered
8; Power Point can display date from which of the following add-in software of MS-Office?
·         a) Equation Editor
·         b) Organization Chart
·         c) Photo Album
·         d) All of these
Question was not answered
9; The first network that planted the seeds of Internet was?
·         a) ARPANET
·         b) NSF net
·         c) V net
·         d) I net
Question was not answered
10; Abbreviation www in, stands for?
·         a) World Word in Wonder
·         b) World Wide Web
·         c) World Web is Widening
·         d) Wonderful World Web
1. The communication mode that supports data in both directions?
·         a) Simplex
·         b) Half-duplex
·         c) Full-duplex
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
2. To connect a computer with a device in the same room, you might be likely to use?
·         a) Coaxial cable
·         b) Optical fiber
·         c) Wireless
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3. A table consists of?
·         a) Fields and columns
·         b) Rows and columns
·         c) Rows and cells
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4. Which of the following is an advantage of the database approach?
·         a) Elimination of data redundancy
·         b) Ability to associate related data
·         c) Increase security
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
5. When the same data field is stored more than once in a file, then it leads to?
·         a) Data redundancy
·         b) Data inconsistency
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
6. _____________Means database updating
·         a) Changing the file structure
·         b) Re-organizing the database
·         c) Modifying or adding records
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
7. Which of the following is the descending order of data hierarchy?
·         a) File-Database-Field-Record-Byte-Bit
·         b) Database-File-Record-Field-Byte-Bit
·         c) Database-Record-File-Field-Byte-Bit
·         d) Database-Field-File-Record-Bit-Byte
Question was not answered
8. Which of the following groups contains graphical file extensions
·         a) JPG, CPX, GCM
·         b) GIF, TCF, WMF
·         c) TCP, JPG, BMP
·         d) JPG, GIF, BMP
Question was not answered
9. A package, which can be used for a short period before purchasing, it is termed as?
·         a) Try and Buy
·         b) Freeware
·         c) Shareware
·         d) Borrow ware
Question was not answered
10. Which one of the following is the main function of a driver file?
·         a) Useful to open windows
·         b) Enables a specific device to work
·         c) To re-start the system
·         d) To activate the system
1. In a database related fields are grouped to form?
·         a) Record
·         b) File
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
2. Which of the following parts of a computer is necessary to enable it to play music?
·         a) Sound cards
·         b) CD-Ram
·         c) MIDI interface
·         d) Serial interface
Question was not answered
3. Which one of the following printers is suitable for printing sprocket fed carbon copies?
·         a) Laser
·         b) Dot matrix
·         c) Ink jet
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4. To be effective a virus checker should be?
·         a) Replaced regularly
·         b) Never updated
·         c) Updated regularly
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
5. Passwords enable users to?
·         a) Get into the system quickly
·         b) Make efficient use of time
·         c) Retain confidentiality of files
·         d) Simplify file structure
Question was not answered
6. Automated transaction for the purchase of goods over the Internet is called?
·         a) E-Shopping
·         b) Web-Purchase
·         c) E-Commerce
·         d) Web-Shopping
Question was not answered
7. Which one of the following would be the best to use to produce hundreds of letters at a time with same matter to different addresses?
·         a) Personal information
·         b) Email group
·         c) DTP
·         d) Mail merge
Question was not answered
8. A:\ refers to?
·         a) A file name
·         b) Root directory
·         c) Hard drive
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
9. Which of the following input device would be best suited to capturing images for use with a personal computer?
·         a) Digital camera
·         b) Graphics tablet
·         c) Touch Screen
·         d) Optical Mark Reader
Question was not answered
10. The concept of "Zero Administ-ration" is associated with?
·         a) Network computer
·         b) Mini computer
·         c) Micro computer
·         d) None of the above
1. The world's largest computer network is?
·         a) Internet
·         b) Intranet
·         c) LAN
·         d) MAN
Question was not answered
2. Transaction Processing Systems are the basic business systems that serve which level of the organization?
·         a) Middle level
·         b) Senior level
·         c) Operational level
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3. In batch processing?
·         a) Transactions are processed immediately in batches
·         b) Transactions are accumulated in batches until it is time to process them
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4. Which of the following is the most powerful computer?
·         a) Mainframe computer
·         b) Micro computer
·         c) Super computer
·         d) Mini computer
Question was not answered
5. A program written in a machine language is called ___ program?
·         a) Object
·         b) Computer
·         c) Assembler
·         d) High level
Question was not answered
6. A collection of wires that connects several devices is called?
·         a) Link
·         b) Bus
·         c) Cable
·         d) Port
Question was not answered
7. The fastest type of memory is?
·         a) Tape
·         b) Semi conductor memory
·         c) Disk memory
·         d) Bubble memory
Question was not answered
8. Which of the following translator program coverts assembly level language program to object program?
·         a) Assembler
·         b) Complier
·         c) Micro processor
·         d) Linker
Question was not answered
9. Barcodes stores information by using?
·         a) Dots
·         b) Thick and thin lines
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10. Which of the following are the main problems in File Management System?
·         a) Data redundancy
·         b) Difficulty in updating
·         c) Both a and b
·         d) None of the above
1. A concentric ring on a hard disk is referred to as a?
·         a) Track
·         b) Sector
·         c) Table
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of generating a flowchart as part of the design of a computer program?
·         a) To test and maintain the efficiency of the overall program
·         b) To present the steps needed to solve the programming problem
·         c) To ensure that all methods are appropriately linked
·         d) To determine the necessary number of global and local variables
Question was not answered
3. Which of the following would best facilitate the expansion of a computer program?
·         a) Incorporation of diagrams into the design documents
·         b) Minimal use of global variables in the source code
·         c) Construction of methods that are highly dependent on one another
·         d) Extensive use of functions, that support the debugging process
Question was not answered
4. ___ Is/are the steps that tell the computer how to perform a particular task?
·         a) Data
·         b) Instructions
·         c) Information
·         d) Documentation
Question was not answered
5. A computer contain many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as?
·         a) Software
·         b) Input devices
·         c) Output devices
·         d) Hardware
Question was not answered
6. ___ Is the most widely used coding scheme used to represent data
·         a) ASCII
·         b) Unicode
·         c) EBCDIC
·         d) Multi code
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7. ___ Is the most common type of volatile memory?
·         a) ROM
·         b) CMOS
·         c) Flash Memory
·         d) RAM
Question was not answered
8. A ___ is equal to approximately 1 million bytes?
·         a) Kilobytes
·         b) Mega bytes
·         c) Giga bytes
·         d) Tera bytes
Question was not answered
9. Two categories of software are?
·         a) Operating System & System Software
·         b) Utility Programs
·         c) System software and Utility Programs
·         d) System software and Application Software
Question was not answered
10. Notebook computers?
·         a) Can run on batteries or standard power supply
·         b) Are less expensive than a desktop with similar capabilities
·         c) Facilities are less
·         d) None of the above
1. To add or put into your document such as a picture or text use_________________    
·         a. TV
·         b. insert
·         c. push in
·         d. squeeze in
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2. a key that must  be pressed  each time a new command or information is entered________________    
·         a. esc
·         b. return/enter
·         c. delete
·         d. home
Question was not answered
3. on a CD-RW you can________________    
·         a. read, write and rewrite information
·         b. you can rad information
·         c. you can only write information
·         d. read and write information
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4. Computers use the --------------------- Systems to process data    
·         a. processing
·         b. kilobyte
·         c. binary
·         d. representational
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5. ________________is the part of the computer that does the arithmetic calculations    
·         a. memory
·         b. OS
·         c. CPU
·         d. ALU
Question was not answered
6. These provide expansion capability for a computer system    
·         a. sockets
·         b. slots
·         c. bytes
·         d. bays
Question was not answered
7. a(n)_____________________ allows sharing of broadband  internet connection    
·         a. hub
·         b. adapter
·         c. router
·         d. switch
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8. The clock rate of a processor is measured in _________________  
·         a. milliseconds
·         b. micro hertz
·         c. megabytes or gigabytes
·         d.megahertz or gigahertz
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9.a computer virus normally attaches  itself to another computer program known as a ________________    
·         a. backdoor program
·         b. target program
·         c. Trojan horse
·         d. host program
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10. These devices translate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process    
·         a. display
·         b. input
·         c. output
·         d. pointer
1. ___Is the combination of keys we use to hide rows
·         a) CTRL+9
·         b) CTRL+8
·         c) CTRL+7
·         d) CTRL+6
Question was not answered
2. To hide the columns___is the functional key
·         a) CTRL+3
·         b) CTRL+2
·         c) CTRL+1
·         d) CTRL+0
Question was not answered
3. ___Is the shortcut key to delete cells, rows or columns
·         a) CTRL+ Minus Sign
·         b) CTRL+ Plus Sign
·         c) CTRL+ Star Sign
·         d) CTRL+ Greater than Sign
Question was not answered
4. To insert cells, rows or columns -___the keyboard shortcut key
·         a) CTRL+ Minus Sign
·         b) CTRL+SHIFT+ Plus Sign
·         c) CTRL+ Star Sign
·         d) CTRL+ Greater than Sign
Question was not answered
5. ___Is the keyboard shortcut key to insert auto sum
·         a) ALT
·         b) ALT=
·         c) ALT+
·         d) ALT-
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6. ___Is the shortcut key to move to the next worksheet
·         a) CTRL+Pagedown
·         b) CTRL+Pageup
·         c) CTRL+Right arrow
·         d) CTRL+Left arrow
Question was not answered
7. ___Is the shortcut key to move to the previous worksheet
·         a) CTRL+Pagedown
·         b) CTRL+Pageup
·         c) CTRL+Right arrow
·         d) CTRL+Left arrow
Question was not answered
8. ___Key we use to select row
·         a) SHIFT+TAB
·         b) SHIFT+ Spacebar
·         c) CTRL+ Spacebar
·         d) SHIFT+ Enter
Question was not answered
9. ___Key we use to select column
·         a) SHIFT+TAB
·         b) SHIFT+ Spacebar
·         c) CTRL+ Spacebar
·         d) SHIFT+ Enter
Question was not answered
10. ___Is the key to exit from excel
·         a) ALT+F2
·         b) ALT+F3
·         c) ALT+F4
·         d) ALT+F1.

1;  ___Key combination that lets you toggle between open windows
·         a) ALT+SHIFT+TAB
·         b) ALT+CTRL+TAB
·         c) ALT+CTRL
·         d) ALT+TAB
·         Question was not answered

·         2. When more than one window is open, to switch to the next win-dow___is the key combination
·         a) CTRL+F5
·         b) CTRL+F6
·         c) CTRL+F7
·         d) CTRL+F8
Question was not answered3. To select or unselect one word to the right
·         a) CTRL+SHIFT
·         b) CTRL+SHIFT+Down Arrow
·         c) CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow
·         d) None of the above
·         Question was not answered
·         4. To maximize or restore a selected window
·         a) CTRL+F7
·         b) CTRL+F10
·         c) CTRL+F8
·         d) CTRL+F9
·         Question was not answered
·         5. To Copy a picture of the selected window to the clipboard
·         a) ALT+TAB
·         b) ALT+Print Screen
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
·         Question was not answered
·         6. ___Is the key to close a selected drop-down list; cancel a comm-and and close a dialog box
·         a) TAB
·         b) SHIFT
·         c) ESC
·         d) None of the above
·         Question was not answered
·         7. ___Is the key we use to run the selected command
·         a) SHIFT
·         b) TAB
·         c) ENTER
·         d) CTRL
·         Question was not answered
·         8. ___Is the functional key to display save as box
·         a) F5
·         b) F6
·         c) F9
·         d) F12
·         Question was not answered
·         9. ___Is the combination of keys to switch between the last four places that you have edited
·         a) ALT+CTRL+Z
·         b) ALT+CTRL+Y
·         c) ALT+TAB+Z
·         d) ALT+SHIFT+Z
·         Question was not answered
·         10. To delete one word to the right
·         a) CTRL+SHIFT
·         b) CTRL+TAB
·         c) CTRL+DEL
·         d) CTRL+Z
1.Magnetic disk is an example of
·         a) Secondary memory
·         b) Primary memory
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
2.RAM is an example of
·         a) Secondary memory
·         b) Primary memory
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3.The ALU and Control Unit jointly known as
·         a) RAM
·         b) ROM
·         c) CPU
·         d) None of the above
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4.The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called ___
·         a) Processing
·         b) Storing
·         c) Editing
·         d) Sorting
Question was not answered
5. LSIC stands for
·         a) Large Scale Inner Circuits
·         b) Large Scale Integrated Computer
·         c) Large Scale Integrated Circuits
·         d) Large Storage Integrated Circuits
Question was not answered
6.EDSAC stands for
·         a) Electronic Delay Storage Advanced Computer
·         b) Electronic Data Storage Automatic Computer
·         c) Electronic Delay Strong Automatic Computer
·         d) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
Question was not answered
7.EDVAC stands for
·         a) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
·         b) Electronic Discrete Value Automatic Computer
·         c) Electronic Device Variable Automatic Computer
·         d) Electronic Discrete Variable Advanced Computer
Question was not answered
8.. On-line real time systems become popular in___generation
·         a) First Generation
·         b) Second Generation
·         c) Third Generation
·         d) Fourth Generation
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9.What is the other name for programmed chip?
·         a) RAM
·         b) ROM
·         c) LSIC
·         d) None of the above
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10.A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as ---
·         a) On-line device
·         b) Off-line device
·         c) Device
·         d) None of the above
1. What is the process of copying   software programs from secondary storage media  to the hard disk is called?  
·         A. Configuration
·         b. download
·         c. storage
·         d. installation
Question was not answered
2. This first step in the transaction processing cycle captures business data through various modes such as optical scanning or at an electronic commerce website _________    
·         a. document and report generation
·         b. data base management’
·         c. transaction processing start-up
·         d. data entry
Question was not answered
3. When the pointer is positioned on a _________ , it is shaped like a hand    
·         a. grammar error
·         b. formatting error
·         c. screen tip
·         d. spelling error
Question was not answered
4. The computer abbreviation KB usually means ___________  
·         a. key block
·         b. kernel boot
·         c. key byte
·         d. kilo byte
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5. Which of the following are advantages of CD-ROM  as a storage media?    
·         a. CD-ROM is an expensive way to store large amount of data and information
·         b.CD-ROM disks retrieve data and information more quickly than magnetic disk can do
·         c.CD-ROM make less errors than magnetic media
·         d. all of the above
Question was not answered
6.A(n) ________________  is a special visual and audio effect  applied in power point to text or content    
·         a. animation
·         b. flash
·         c. wipe
·         d. dissolve
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7. which of the following is storage device that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic disks  to store data/information    
·         a.Floppy diskette
·         b. hard disk
·         c. permanent disk
·         d. optical disk
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8. the piece of hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal  that can travel over telephone lines is called a ____________    
·         a. red vire
·         b. blue cord
·         c. tower
·         d, modem
Question was not answered
9.personal computer can be connected together to from a _________    
·         a. server
·         b. super computer
·         c. network
·         d. enterprise
Question was not answered
10.A______________ is the term used when a search engine returns a web page that matches the search criteria.    
·         a. blog
·         b. hit
·         c. link
·         d. view
1. The basic unit of a work sheet into which you enter data in excel is called a   ______________    
·         a. Tab
·         b. cell
·         c. box
·         d. range
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2. __________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors    
·         a. tracking
·         b. formatting
·         c. crashing
·         d. allotting
Question was not answered
3. Which ports connects special types of music instruments to sound cards?    
·         a. BUS
·         b. CPU
·         c. USB
·         d. MDI
Question was not answered
4. The process of transferring files from a computer on the internet to your computer is called _____    
·         a. Downloading
·         b. uploading
·         c. FTP
·         d. JPEG
Question was not answered
5. In Excel, allows users to bring together copies of workbooks those others users have worked on independently    
·         a. Copying
·         b. merging
·         c. pasting
·         d. compiling e. none of these
Question was not answered
6. If you want to connect to your own computer through the internet from another location, you can use _________    
·         a. e-mail
·         b. FTP
·         c. instant message
·         d. Telnet
Question was not answered
7. To reload a web page, press the _______ button  
·         a. redo
·         b. reload
·         c. restore
·         d. Refresh
Question was not answered
8. Mobile commerce is best described as ______    
·         a. the use of kioske in marketing
·         b. transporting products
·         c. buying and selling goods/services through wireless handled devices
·         d. using notebook PC’s in marketing
Question was not answered processor consist of   ____________ and ______________  which store and process images    
·         a. CPU and VGA
·         b. CPU nd MEMORY
·         C. VGA and Memory
·         d.VGI and DVI
Question was not answered
40.________________ are words that  aprograming language has set aside for its own use    
·         a. control words
·         b. control structure
·         c. reserve words
·         d. reserved keys
1. Grouping and processing all of firm’s transactions  at one time is called__________    
·         a. A data base management system
·         b. Batch processing
·         c. A Real time system
·         d. An one line system
Question was not answered
2. Help menu is available at which button    
·         a. end
·         b. start
·         c. turnoff
·         d. restart
Question was not answered
3. You can keep your personal files/folder in_______    
·         a. my folder
·         b. my documents
·         c. my files
·         d. my text
Question was not answered
4. A central computer that holds collections of data and program for many PC’s. Work station, and other computers is a(n)_____________    
·         a. Super computer
·         b. mini computer
·         c. laptop
·         d. server
Question was not answered
5.When you save to this, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off.    
·         a. RAM
·         b. mother board
·         c. secondary storage device
·         d. primary storage device
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6. The _____________ folder remains copies of messages that you have started but are not yet ready to send.    
·         a. drafts
·         b. outbox
·         c. address book
·         d. sent items
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7. You can _________________search by providing more information the search engine can use to select a smaller, more useful set of results    
·         a. refine
·         b. expand
·         c. load
·         d. query
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8. The content of_______________ are lost when computer turn off.    
·         a. storage
·         b. input
·         c. output
·         d. memory
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29. The _____________ enables you to simultaneously keep multiple web pages open in one browser window.    
·         a. tab bar
·         b. pop-up helper
·         c. tab row
·         d. address bar
Question was not answered
10. A DVD is an example of a(n)__________    
·         a. hard disk
·         b. optical disk
·         c. output device
·         d. Solid-state storage device
1.______  are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity    
·         a. phishing trips
·         b. computer viruses
·         c. spyware spams
·         d. viruses
Question was not answered
2. Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files with your friends    
· is not unethical, because it is legal
·         b. it is unethical because the files are being given for free
·         c. sharing copyrighted files without permission breaks copyrights laws.
·         d. it is not unethical because the files are being given for free
Question was not answered
3. Which of the following can be used to select entire document?
·         a. CTRL+A
·         b.ALT+F5
·         c. SHIFT+A
·         d. CTRL-K
Question was not answered
14.To instruct word to fit the width of a column to the contents of a table automatically, dick the_____ button and then option to auto fit content    
·         a. Fit to form
·         b. format
·         c. auto size
·         d. contents
Question was not answered
5. The simultaneous processing of 2 or more programs by processor is ___________    
·         a. Multi programming
·         b. multi-tasking
·         c. time-sharing
·         d. multi-processing
Question was not answered
6. A disk’s content that recorded at his time of manufacture and that cannot be erased by the user is______  
·         a. memory -only
·         b. write- only
·         c. once- only
·         d. read-only
Question was not answered
7. What is he permanent memory built in to your computer called?  
·         a. RAM
·         b. Floppy
·         c. CPU
·         d.ROM
Question was not answered
8. The default view in Excel is_____________ View.    
·         a. Work
·         b. Auto
·         c. normal
·         d. Roman
Question was not answered
9. What displays the contents  of the  active cell in Excel    
·         a. Name box
·         b. Row heading
·         c. Formulator
·         d. Task panel
Question was not answered
10. In word you can force a pace break___________        
·         a. by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing the F1key
·         b. By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Ctrl+Enter
·         c. By using the insert/section break
·         d. by changing the font size of your documents
1; The term that we use to describe physical components of the system
·         a) Hardware
·         b) Input
·         c) Software
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
2; Which of the following is used to indicate the location on the computer monitor
·         a) Mouse
·         b) Cursor
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3; Mr. Johnson needs to design invitation card. What type of computer program is suitable?
·         a) MS-Word
·         b) Desktop Publishing
·         c) Simulation
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4; Which combination of keys needs to be pressed to make a percent sign?
·         a) Shift+2
·         b) Shift+3
·         c) Shift+4
·         d) Shift+5
Question was not answered
5; What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?
·         a) Copy
·         b) Save
·         c) Retrieve
·         d) Enter
Question was not answered
6; What term applies to a collection of related records in a database?
·         a) Field
·         b) File
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
7; How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
·         a) Rows and Columns
·         b) Boxes
·         c) Tables
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
8; Which of the following mode we use to deliver e-mail
·         a) Postal
·         b) Courier
·         c) Computer
·         d) Fax
Question was not answered
9; VIRUS stands for
·         a) Vital Information Recourse Under Siege
·         b) Vital Information Reason Under Siege
·         c) Vital Information Recourse Under System
·         d) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege
Question was not answered
10; ------ Is known as unauthorized access into others system
·         a) Hacking
·         b) Encryption
·         c) Decryption
·         d) None of the above
1; PC stands for
·         a) Practical Computer
·         b) Personal Computer
·         c) Private Computer
·         d) Personal Contact
Question was not answered
2;  The computer code for interchange of information between terminals is
·         a) BCDIC
·         b) BCD
·         c) ASCII
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3; The retrieval of information from the computer is defined as
·         a) Data processing
·         b) Input
·         c) Output
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
4; Which one of the following is NOT a computer language?
·         a) MS-Excel
·         b) BASIC
·         c) COBOL
·         d) C++
Question was not answered
5;"C" is
·         a) A letter
·         b) A word
·         c) A language
·         d) An alphabet
Question was not answered
6; Difference Engine invented by
·         a) Charles Babbage
·         b) John McCarthy
·         c) Pascal
·         d) Newton
Question was not answered
7; First generation computer systems used
·         a) Transistors
·         b) Vacuum Tubes
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
8; A byte is made up of
·         a) Eight bytes
·         b) Eight binary digits
·         c) Two binary digits
·         d) Two decimal points
Question was not answered
9; Doing research by using an on-line database instead of a printed set of similar information offers which of the following advantage
·         a) More current information
·         b) Easier to understand
·         c) Better charts
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
10; Software programs that allow you to legally copy files and give them away at no cost are called which of the following
·         a) Time sharing
·         b) Public domain
·         c) Shareware
·         d) None of the above

 1; _____ Ribbon allows you to change document, and window layout, show/hide thumbnails, and view/record macros,

a) Designs
b) Insert
c) Home
d) View
2; ______ Is the default slide layout.  

a) Blank
) bTitle slide
c) Title only
d) Title and contents
3; ______ Is the key we use to blank the screen in the presentation,

a) A key
b) B key
c) C key
d) D key
4; — Is the key we use to make the screen white,

a) A key
b) B key
5; ______ Is the strip of button across the top of the main window.  

a) Ribbon
b) Menu
c) Window
d) All of the above
6; Are the visual movements as one-slide changes to another    

a) Animation key
b) Transition key
c) Visual effects
All of the above
7; Are the visual effects applied to individual items.  

a) Animation key
b) Transition key
c) Visual effects
d) All of the above
8; Each page in a power point presentation is called?  

a) File
b) Text
c) Slide
d) All of the above
9; ______ Is the letter we use to go to the next hidden slide.  

a) A
c) H
d) E
10; ______ Is the letter we use to set new timings while rehearsing  

a) A
c) H
d) T
1; ___ Is the functional key for spell check  
·         a) F4
·         b) F5
·         c) F7
·         d) F6
Question was not answered
2; ______ Tab displays the text contained in your presentation
·         a) Outline tab
·         b) Slides tab
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
3; ________ Tab displays a thumbnail of
all your slides.  
·         a) Outline tab
·         b) Slide tab
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4; .______ Is the keyboard shortcut key to move to the first slide.  
·         a) Ctrl+end
·         b) Ctrl+home
·         c) Use right arrow
·         d) Use left arrow
Question was not answered
5; ______ Is the keyboard shortcut key to move to the last slide  
·         a) Ctrl+end
·         b) Ctrl+home
·         c) Use right arrow
·         d)Use left arrow
Question was not answered
6; How do we select the multiple slides?    
·         a) Hold down Ctrl key
·         b) Click the slides you want to select
·         c) Both (a) and (b) simultaneously
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
7; How do we create a duplicate slide?    
·         a) Select the slide or slides you want to duplicate
·         b) Press Ctrl + D
·         c) Both (a) and (b) simultaneously
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
8; ______ Ribbon in power point allows you to change the font, paragraph and heading styles and view the clipboard and editing options  
·         a) Designs
·         b) Insert
·         c) Home
·         d) View
Question was not answered
9; ______ Ribbon in power point allows you to insert pages, tables, illustrations, links, headers, footers, text and symbols,
·         a) Designs
·         b) Insert
·         c) Home
·         d) View
Question was not answered
10; ______ Ribbon in PPT allows you to change page layout, slide themes, colors, fonts and effects, as well as back ground styles and graphics.  
·         a) Designs
·         b) Insert
·         c) Home
·         d) View
1; s the button we can use to give title to a section of your worksheet or you want to center a piece of text over several rows and columns (say B1 to El)
·         a) Center
·         b) Merge and Center
·         c) Copy
·         d) Merge
Question was not answered
2. What is the function to find the lowest number in a series of numbers?  
·         a) Sum
·         b) Avg.
·         c)Min.
·         d)Max.
Question was not answered
3; ______ Is the function we use to count the number of numbers in a series  
·         a) Sum
·         b) Avg.
·         c) Max.
·         d) Count
Question was not answered
4; ___ View splits your screen into three major sections (tabs and slide pan and the notes area)  
·         a) Normal view
·         b) Slide sorter view
·         c) Slide show
·         d) None of the above
·         Question was not answered
5; ______ View shows thumbnails of all your slides  
·         a) Normal view
·         b) Slide sorter view
·         c) Slide show
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
6; To create a new slide   ________            is keyboard shortcut key
·         a) Ctrl+M.
·         b) Ctrl+N.
·         c) Ctrl+O.
·         d) Ctrl+P
·         Question was not answered
·         To run the slide show what is the functional key we use?  
·         a) F4
·         b) F3
·         c) F5
·         d) F2
Question was not answered
7; To go to the next slide?  
·         a) Press the right arrow key
·         b) Press the enter key
·         c) Press the page down key
·         d)All of the above
Question was not answered
8; Go to the previous slide?  
·         a) Press the left arrow key
·         b) Press back space key
·         c) Press the page up key
·         d)All of the above
Question was not answered
9; End the slide show and return to power point you have to use?  
·         a) Ctrl key
·         b) Tab key
·         c) Esc key
·         d) All of the above
10; In Microsoft Excel columns are in?  
·         a) Numbers
·         b) Letters
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
1; In Microsoft Excel Rows are in?
·         a) Numbers
·         b) Letters
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         None of the above
Question was not answered
2; In Excel starting number is 1 and ending number is —  
·         a) 1,000,560
·         b) 1,000,586
·         c) 1,048,576
·         d) Infinite
Question was not answered
3; Cell defined as?    
·         a) Combination of Row and Column
·         b) Row only
·         c) Column only
·         None of the above
Question was not answered
4; The status bar appears on the?  
·         a) Top of the Excel window
·         b) Bottom of the excel window
·         c) Middle of the excel window
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
5; ______ Is the tab key we use to move the cursor right one cell at a time  
·         a) Alt key
·         b) Ctrl key
·         c) Tab key
·         d) Shift key
Question was not answered
6; ______ Is the functional key we use for moving quickly from one cell in a worksheet to a cell in a different part of the worksheet.  
·         a)GOTO(F5)
·         b) Ctrl+G
·         c) Use name box
·         d) All of the above
Question was not answered
7; ______ Is the functional key we use to edit the data while you are in the cell  
·         a) F5
·         b) F3
·         c) F4
·         d) F2
Question was not answered
8; Define Wrap?      
·         a) Text is too long, to fit in the cell, the text overlaps the next cell, if you do not want to overlap the next cell, you can wrap the text
·         b) Erasing the data from the cell
·         c) Entering the data into the cell
·         All of the above
Question was not answered
9; ______ Is the symbol we use for absolute cell address  
·         a) * (Star)
·         b) 2 (Sigma)
·         c) $ (Dollar)
·         d) & (And)
10; ______ Is the key to move to the next fieh you can edit in the record  
·         a) DOWN ARROW
·         b) UP ARROW
·         c) TAB
·         d) SHIFT+TAB
Question was not answered
1; _______  Is the key to move to the same field 10 records back
·         a) PAGE UP
·         b) UP ARROW
·         c) SHIFT+ENTER
·         d) CTRL+PAGE UP
Question was not answered
2; _______ Is the key to extend a selection to the end of the field  
·         a) SHIFT+END
·         b) SHIFT+HOME
·         c) SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Question was not answered
3; _______   Is a temporary memory storage location where data is stored before beinj used  
·         a) Primary memory
·         b) Secondary memory
·         c) Buffer
·         d) None of the above
Question was not answered
4; A system node attached to a server/main hub is known as  
·         a) Server
·         b) Intelligent terminal
·         c) None of the above
·         d) Client
·         Question was not answered
·         The process of converting analog information into digital information is called
·         a) Demodulation
·         b) Modulation
·         c) Conversion
·         d) Interchange
Question was not answered
5;  In          year was the "@" chosen for its
use in e-mail?
·         a) 1976
·         b) 1972
·         c) 1980
·         d) 1984
Question was not answered
6; Yahoo developed by
·         a) Dennis Ritchie, Key Thompson
·         b) David Fib, Jeny yang
·         c) Cerf, khan
·         d) Steve, staff
Question was not answered
7; Is the name of the process we use to activate the operating system and other controlling devices?
·         a) Sharing
·         b) Controlling
·         c) Booting
·         d) Starting
Question was not answered
8; _________Is a disk that contains the necessary system files that will complete the computer boot up sequence and load a basic operating system
·         a) Bootable disk
·         b) Memory device
·         c) Both (a) and (b)
·         d) None of the above


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